Cheehawk Farm on Cheehaak Road, March 3, 2023
Cheehawk Farm on Cheehaak Road:
The Little Life of a Big Farmhouse
with Lynn Sullivan
About the Program
Cheehawk Farm on Cheehaak Road: The Little Life of a Big Farmhouse is Lynn Sullivan’s exploration of her childhood home. She researched the people and the property through the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds, the Freeport Historical Society, Family Search, and random phone calls to people all across the country. The result is a love-story to a home and its people.

About the Presenter
A native of Freeport, Lynn earned a B.A. in History from Colby College in 1989. In 2002, she earned a master’s degree in American and New England Studies from USM, writing her thesis on the economic transformation and historical invention of Freeport. She is currently the Dean of Students at North Yarmouth Academy, a position she has held for six years. She has also taught US History at NYA since 1998. Lynn currently lives in Freeport next door to her childhood home, Cheehawk Farm.