- Saturday. Fair & warm.
- S[unday]. Rain in forenoon. Warm, fair in afternoon.
- Cloudy and warm. Washed.
- Cloudy and warm (scrubbed floors). Tirion Cobb [A very unusual name – not found in the US census of 1920] called this p.m.
- Cloudy and warm. Had eyes tested today. Went to library, got “The War Romance of the Salavation Army” by Booth & Hill [A work published by the Salvation Army to highlight the work of women during World War One]
- Fair and colder. Went to village in a.m. Tirion calls for papers. P.m. washed my hair.
- Fair and cool – 1 case eggs. Went to village in P.M.
- Little snow in a.m. Cleaning – got my new glasses this afternoon. Called on Mrs. Doucette.
[Likely Minerva Doucette, resident on Oak Street (US Census, 1920). Her husband, Joseph, was a French Canadian who worked as a foreman on the railroad. No other Doucettes are present in the 1920 census.]
[US Census Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 533 via Ancestry.com]
- S[unday]. Very fine day. Cool. At home all day.
- Fine and warm. Washed today.
- Cloudy and warm. Mr. Ringrose here to butcher.[A number of Ringrose families lived in the area at this time.] Stayed to dinner.
- Cloudy. I churned 6 lbs. butter. Got letter from Flossie. [Likely the Florence Holbrook mentioned below] Very little snow tonight.
- Very fine day rather [?] cool.
- Snow this forenoon then heavy rain in afternoon and evening.
- Every bit snow gone. Go to doctors this p.m. pay $1.50 for glasses.
- S[unday]. Fair and warm. Call on Eva.
- Fine day but cold. 2nd case eggs. Windy. Very cold tonight – 6° above.
- Coldest morning. 3° below. Pleasant but a very high west wind all day. Very disagreeable.
- 3° below this morning. Just a little wind. Cold but a fine day. River frozen for first time. Canned 4qts & 1 pt. meat.
- Cloudy. South wind. Warmer this morning. Trying to snow.
- Very warm. Fine in a.m. Clouds up in p.m. Fine rain in evening. I can 4qts & 3pts meat. Call on Aunt Anna. [Probably Anna Maria Staples, (1831-1933), sister of Phebe Augusta Staples, who was married to Charles Henry Pettengill, Mildred’s grandfather. (FHS Dunning Genealogy, “Staples”). She lived in Porter’s Landing] Receive a nice embroidered towel. Go across on ice [for the] first time.
- Cloudy & very warm. A high tide which broke up ice and whole channel is open. I can 2qts meat. A new baby at Arthur Holbrook’s.
[William Henry Holbrook was born to Arthur and Florence Estes Holbrook in Freeport, Jan 22, 1921. They lived on Mast Landing Road.]
[Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 27 via Ancestry.com.]
[US Census Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 503 via Ancestry.com]
- S[unday]. Little snow this morning. Clearing – a fine day.
- A very cold wind today but very fine otherwise. I go to library to change book today. A case of eggs. Zero [degrees] tonight.
- 2° below this morning. A very heavy wind all day.
- 8° above today – swept and dusted today.
- Fine day. Warm. Father [Wallace Pettengill (1847-1925). Mildred’s mother, Adelaide, died in 1893, when Mildred was 10 years old.] walked down to Wolf’s Neck Today. [A] case eggs.
- A very fine warm day. Took Trix [Mildred’s dog.] for a walk thru the swamp. Lem [?] for dinner. Florence H[olbrook] very sick with pneumonia.
- Cloudy but warm.
- S[unday]. Fine snow all day. Not more than an inch or so fell. Warm. 51° at night above zero.
- Florence Holbrook died last night. [Florence Holbrook is buried in Grove Cemetery, Freeport. She died at age 25. The medical examiner attributed the pneumonia to a result of her labor. Their son, William, also died of pneumonia March 15 of the same year.]
[Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 27 via Ancestry.com.]
Fine day a very cold wind in forenoon. Calmer in p.m. I wash today.
- A perfect day. Sunny and warm. Frank’s birthday.[Mildred’s brother. He was 42.] (Florence H. funeral today). I cut & trim junipers.
- Candlemass Day. Cloudy in morning then cleared up. Sunny & fine not very cold. I call on Ed. Allen. [Probably Edmund Allen, a farmer who lived on Pleasant Hill Road.]
[US Census Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 490]
- Fine snow in a.m. clear in p.m. We shell beans.
- (A case eggs today). A very fine day. I cook a sirup.
- Cloudy & warm. I go to library.
- S[unday]. Rain last night. Every bit snow gone. Fine day, first like spring except for cold wind.
- Fine warm day. Called on Mrs. Holbrook.[Probably Abbie (Mrs. Charles F.) Holbrook, who lived on Pleasant Hill Road. A Winnie (Mrs. William H.) Holbrook also lived in Freeport, on the Brunswick Road. Charles, William and Arthur (Florence’s widower) were brothers. US Census Information via Ancestry.com.]
- Fine day. Went to doctor’s (electricity treatment).
- (a case of eggs) fine snow in P.M. called on Ezra.[Not known.]
- A very fine day just like spring. We cut & trim junipers in P.M.
- Snow all day – highest [?] snow. I went to village on sled. Storm of winter wind in P.M. so it drifted badly.
- Looks very winter like this morning. A very fine day. Father & I go to village this P.M. First sleigh ride of year.
- S[unday]. A very fine day. Trix & I go for walk.
- (A case of eggs today). Snow all day, fine & light. Wind in P.M. so it drifted round.
- A fine rainy day. [margin – “warm for winter”]. I go to doctor’s this P.M.
- (Frank began to cut ice, hauled this P.M). [Margin – “Friday”[Meaning unknown, since the sixteenth was a Wednesday.]]
- Hauled all day. Gale of wind but very warm. Snow melted very fast.
- Not quite so warm. Pleasant most of day. (Case eggs).
- Zero this morning. Went to village in P.M.
- S[unday]. Snow all day – warm.
- Hauled ice this P.M.
- Hauled ice all day.
- Finished hauling ice. Cloudy and warm.
- Fine but cold wind. Went to doctor’s. Called on Mrs. Morse. [Several Morse families lived in Freeport at this time, but this could be Ethel M., (Mrs. Walter I.) Morse, a neighbor who lived on Pleasant Hill Road.[
[US Census Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 492]
- [A case of eggs]. Zero in morning. Fine warm day, clouds up in P.M. They cut and haul 14 more cakes ice. [A common term for a block of ice in the period.]
- Zero this morning also cloudy nearly all day. Looks & feels like rain.
- [S]unday. Fine nearly all day. Warm like spring.
- Rain today.
- Fine warm day – called on Aunt Anna. Terrible walking; slush and mud.
- Fine today.
- Rain in forenoon. Very foggy all day, warm.
- (A case of eggs). A fine sunny day overhead – but a cold wind. Swept and dusted.
- Cloudy, looks like a storm. Went to library.
- S[unday]. Cloudy all day. Some showers. Called on Eva in P.M.
- Heard a robin. Cloudy, stirring fog.
- Thunder showers. Thick fog all day. (A case of eggs).
- Fog & showers.
- I saw two wild geese. Fed last of silage tonight.
- Bluebirds & sparrows today. Fine day.
- Cloudy today.
- S[unday]. A fine day, a little cloudy in P.M. not so warm. We tap trees today. [Presumably for maple syrup.]
- A fine day. Town meeting day. [Freeport held town meetings until 1972, when it moved to a manager-council system of government.] Walter Ringrose died this A.M.[Walter Thomas Ringrose, b.1905. He lived with his parents, Thomas & Sara, on Lambert Road in Freeport. He died of lobar pneumonia, contracted 16 days earlier. Pneumonia was a leading cause of death before the advent of antibiotics.]
[United States Census, 1920 Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 499. Via ancestry.com]
[Maine Death Records, Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 47, via Ancestry.com]
(A case of eggs).
- Ground white with snow. Very foggy and snow soon melted.
- Fog in morning, clearing at night.
- Walter’s funeral 2 p.m. Clear, v. fine. Rather cold late in p.m.
- Clear & bright but a very heavy cold wind. (A case of eggs). I call on Eva this P.M. [Many Evas lived in Freeport in 1921. It’s unclear to whom this referred.] Mrs. Morse died today. [Josephine Morse, née Prout (b.1853 in Freeport), died of pulmonary tuberculosis. She was living with her husband George on Dennisson Avenue.]
- 8° above zero this morning. Fair in a.m. Clouds up in P.M. Very cold wind. I go to library.
- S[unday]. Cloudy all day.
- Very heavy wind all day & very hot also. 75° above zero. Ho[e]d parsnips.
- Sunny all day. Cold wind especially in forenoon. Quite a change from yesterday. I have canned in all 35 qts. beef. Dug parsnips today.
- (A case of eggs). Fair.
- Fair. Clouds up in P.M. Rain in evening.
- Heavy gale & rain in forenoon. Cleaning in P.M.
- Showery this P.M. We have clams today. I go to library.
- Fog all day. Set eight trees [for maple syrup].
- Very foggy all day. Rain in evening, also thunder showers in distance. Wm Russell a gassed and shelled shocked soldier leases ½ acre land on our pasture. [It’s not clear to whom this refers. Roster of Maine in the World War (Augusta, 1929) records no William Russell from Maine who served overseas in that conflict. “Shell shock” was a term used to describe what would now be diagnosed at post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).]
- Very cold wind. Called on Aunt Anna.
- Fair. Washed [?] today.
- Cloudy & foggy. Windy. Rain.
- Rain last night cloudy this morning. Cleared off, very fine. Sewed in pm
- Fine day – Mr Russell calls this pm to give up lease.
- S[unday] a very fine warm day but strong wind. Take Trix for walk
- (Case of eggs). Cloudy then clears off. Fine and warm. I go to library in p.m. Dr. Tuttle [Uncertain to whom this refers.] calls tonight to test cows. Wall paper comes today. [Mildred was fond of wallpaper, and added several layers to the farmhouse walls during her lifetime] Frank bought 100 lbs. sugar.
- Fine day. $9.50. Dr. Tuttle here again today cows all O.K. Frank finished woodpile today. I make up yard and my large garden.
- Cooler today clouds up towards night. I rake up square garden [plant sweet peas]
- Snow squalls this a.m. Cloudy and cold all day. I sew this p.m.
- Fog today (case of eggs). I go clean today.
- Rain last night. Heavy fog this morning. Clearing later. A breeze [?] late afternoon. I go to village.
- S[unday]. Fine warm. Call on Eva.
- Cloudy today. Aunt “Marth” died today. [Martha J. Hutchinson (b. 1832) was the widow of the Rev. Joseph Hutchinson. She was likely a cousin-by-marriage to Mildred, through Martha’s mother, Leah Low Curtis.]
[Maine Death Records, 1617-1922. Augusta, Maine: Maine State Archives.] Make shirt [?] this am.
- Fine and warm. Peas planted today. Frank goes clamming [margin:] lettuce & spinach Mailing label for seeds, undated, reverse, FHS Coll. 62[/caption]
- (Began to use sugar). I go to library. I get sweet potatoes.
- Fine & warm. Frank began to haul dressing.[Fertilizer of manure to “dress” the soil before planting.]
- Showery all day (dandelion greens today).[Presumably the Pettengills ate the dandelion leaves, which even today are recognized as having high nutritional value.]
- Thick fog today. I churn today 8 ½ lbs.[Presumably butter.]
- S[unday]. Cloudy all day. Showers in P.M [margin:] We have 51 chickens from 6 hens.
- Cloudy and cold. I go to village in P.M. Snow flurries.
- Cloudy & cold, slightly warmer at night.
- Fine day. The Sintram goes away today. [A five-masted schooner constructed by the Soule Shipyard of South Freeport. The second ship of that name constructed locally (the first in 1877), the Sintram has a confused historical record. It was originally commissioned as a supply ship for WWI (either as the Harraseeket or the Nemassah), but redesigned as a schooner after the end of the war. Her launch is variously recorded as December 1920, February or March 1921. She sank off Cape Cod, November 19, 1921, after a collision with the David McKelvy.] Trix caught a woodchuck.
- Very warm, slightly overcast in P.M. We go Mayflowering today. [The traditional practice of looking for the first flowers of spring in pastures and meadows.]
- Slightly cloudy – warm. I go to village.
- Showers in A.M., rain all P.M.
- S[unday] rain all day.
- Cloudy in morning. Cleaning – a fine warm day.
- Slightly cloudy in A.M. A very fine warm afternoon. Frank & I go clamming on Birch Point. […] work in garden in P.M.
- Fine day. Worked in garden. Planted sweet peas.
- A very fine day & very warm. 70° in A.M. in shade- I begin to clean house.
- Warm day partly cloudy & partly sunny. Fog down bay begins to drive in at night. I dig dandelions to boil [?] [margin:] ([..] my stomach).[Dandelions are also held to have medicinal benefits by some, especially for stomach complaints.]
- (a case of eggs). F. gets letter from Peacock.[unknown] (The barn swallow arrives today).[Barn swallows are migratory birds, spending their winters in the Southern Hemisphere. Their return is therefore a sign of spring in New England.]
- I go to library today.
- S[unday]. Very fine day; cold wind in A.M. Everett Hilton & family call. [Everett Raymond Hilton (b1885), a shoeworker, lived on Oak Street with his wife Julia, daughter Christina, and mother, Eliza. They were neighbors to the Doucette family (see Jan 8)]
[United States Census, Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 534] I call on Eva.
- Very fine day. Winnie & Horace call.[unknown]. We plow garden.
- I wash and color today.[This would seem to refer to washing and coloring her hair, a relatively new practice in the 1920s among young women.]
- Fine warm day. F[rank] plants onions today. I work in square garden.
- Fine & warm 30° last night. Finish sq. garden. Carrie I. & Elsie call.[Unknown] I Plant beets, corn, beans, parsnip, potatoes.
- Fine day – I go to village in P.M.
- I go to Poulin’s [?] Laundry in A.M. a very fine day.
- S[unday] Fine & warm; at home. Frank put calves to pasture.
- Very fine but quite a wind. I plant gladiolus bulbs.
- Thunder shower P.M. Wash and cook. Miriam and her father call to get kitten. [Perhaps Miriam L. Morrisson, aged 10. Her father was Garrett W. Morrisson, a Canadian who worked as a laster in a shoe factory. They lived on what was then part of Range E, but which is now probably Ledgewood Lane.]
[United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639;Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 484 ]
- 30° last night; fine day but cold wind. I go to library. Work in garden in A.M.
- Work in garden.
- Finished garden & filled tub [?] in morning. Rain all day. Rather cold – begin to clean pantry.
- Warmer. Rain all day. Misty fog. Finish cleaning pantry.
- S[unday]. Thick fog all day.
- Shower in morning then cleared off fine – but rather cold. Trix has caught 4 woodchucks today. We plow […] in P.M.
- A very fine sunny day and warm. I clean upstairs and move [?] up at night. Ray[Unknown] put calves in pasture.
- I clean upstairs. Fine day.
- Fine sunny day. I finish upstairs. F[rank] goes down to Wolf’s Neck to spend day.
- I clean front entry and dining room.
- A very hot day. Hot wind. 85° at […] in shade. We plant potatoes above island in A.M.[The meaning of this is unknown] I go to village in P.M. across river. (Put on summer clothes).
- S[unday] a very hot day – Trix and I go for walk up on the hill. (A cyclone in middle of afternoon). Terrible wind with some heavy rain & hail. Three thunder showers, wet in P.M & evening all go around us. Lots of damage done.[This cyclone wrecked destruction along the Maine coast, and further inland, in places like Waterville.]
- Cool & cloudy. I go to village in P.M.
- I wash today. Plant last of gladiolus. Plant seeds.
- Cloudy, v. cold today. I plant dahlias today.
- A warm day. Work in straw terrace [?]
- A very hot day […] next work in straw terrace warmth […]
- A warm day. Work in house today.
- S[unday]. A very warm day. Shirley, Irving, Emma, George & Christine call this P.M.[Unknown] Trix catches two woodchucks.
- Memorial Day. A fine warm day. H. Ward here to dinner. [This could refer either to Henry B. Ward, a carpenter (b.1861), who lived on Maple Avenue, or Herbert S. Ward (b.1857), a farm worker , who lived on the Wardtown Road]
[United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 485 & Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 528]
At home all day.
- Fine & warm. Called on Eva.
- Help plant beans: white kidney & soldier. Begin to wash ceiling in dining room. Very warm. Made soap & Klean-All [This reading is uncertain. Klean All was a cleaning product of the era. For example]
- Fine but cool breeze. Plant red kidney beans and corn.
- Washed ceiling dining room.
- Fine rather cool. Go to library.
- S[unday] fine day rather cool in P.M. Plant 51 poles [While this could refer to a number of beanpoles, in this context, it is likely shorthand for the square pole (or square rod), a unit of land measurement. A pole or rod is 5 ½ yards; there are 160 square poles to an acre, so the Pettengills have planted just under a third of an acre.] (4 kinds of beans) cucumbers, beets, spinach, carrots, watermelons. Set our carrot, potatoes & tomatoes. Ray & Daisy call late P.M. [Likely Ray (b.1887) & Daisy (b.1886) Randall, farmers who lived on Mast Landing Road.][United States Census, 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 503]
- Fine day. Clean today.
- Wash today.
- (Plant ensilage corn)[An alternative term for silage.] I clean dining room & part of ceiling in sitting room. Find ripe strawberries in pasture. We have an orange box of magazines.[The exact meaning is a little unclear. Crates for shipping oranges were commonly reused for storage in this period.]
- A hot day. I begin to paper dining room. Clams today.
- Paper today.
- Finish dining room & entry today. Little rain today.
- S[unday]. Fair today. Not so warm. I go strawberrying this P.M. up in pasture.
- Washed today. A few showers today. Heavy thunder showers go around.
- Went up town this A.M.
- Cleared today went to library in P,M.
- Very fine v. warm. Went over to Lucy Rodick’s this P.M. [Lucy (Cushing) Rodick (b 1848) was the wife of James Rodick, a farmer. In 1910, the Rodicks lived on Litchfield Road; In the 1920 census, Lucy, a widow is living with her grandchildren, Clyde & Berenice McKinnon in Bath – but by 1921 they may have moved to the Flying Point residence they occupied in 1930. James was the grandson of Captain James Rodick, who owned Pettengill farm from 1831-48, and the nephew of Daniel Rodick, who owned the property from 1848-61.]
[United States Cenus, 1910; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T624_538; Page: 15A; Enumeration District:0051
United States Census, 1920; Census Place: Bath Ward 2, Sagadahoc, Maine; Roll: T625_649; Page: 9A; Enumeration District:135; Image: 88
United States Census, 1930; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: 830; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 0014; Image: 437.
FHS Coll. 34, Dunning Genealogy, “Rodick”]
- Cleaned in sitting room today.
- Went to village this P.M. Quite heavy showers.
- S[unday] Uncle Ross [?] called. [Identity not immediately clear. Mildred had many “aunts” and “uncles” who were in fact more distant relatives.] Showers in P.M. Ed […] here for few minutes. [Writing is unclear here. Possibly Ed Allen – see February 2nd.]
- Washed in A.M. Finished cleaning sitting room in P.M.
- Very hot today. Cleaned cellar.
- Hot today. 110° or more. Mrs. Rodick & I called on Mrs. Small[ref]Several Mrs. Smalls lived in Freeport at this time.[/ref] this P.M. slightly cooler toward night.
- Very hot again today. Cleaned a little in kitchen. Went to village in morning. Beet greens tonight.
- Very hot, & hot wind today. Churned today.
- Not quite so hot today. I go to village this A.M.
- S[unday] fine day fairly cool. Looks like showers.
- Rather cool today. I wash & partly clean kitchen.
- Very thick fog today. Heavy rain this morning for short time. Finish cleaning kitchen & entry. Transplant some things in garden.
- Rain all forenoon & foggy. Very thick at night. I wash floor – sweep upstairs.
- Very thick fog with showers tonight. Not quite so warm. F. puts cacti all outdoors. I clean up tool house.
- Still foggy – sewed today.
- Cloudy today. I go to library – lease card. [Perhaps a reference to receiving a new library card.]
- S[unday]. Hot today. At home all day. Go to Village [for] Sunday paper.
- Cloudy all day. V. grey & murkey [sic] – also very hot – hot wind. 98° at noon – cooler tonight. I pick raspberries this p.m. up in pasture – had green peas today. F. finished sowing & harrowing in millet.
- I wash today. Not so hot as yesterday.
- We cultivate beans today. Furrow not kicking[ ?] piece [?] in p.m. [ The writing here is not very legible. Presumably a problem with their plow.] Quite warm. Mrs. Mallet rides down here.[Alice E. Mallett (b.1877), wife of Edmond T. Mallett, was the son of noted local entrepreneur Edmond B. Mallett. Alice was living with her father-in-law on the Yarmouth Road in 1920. This is probably the Mallett House now at 184 Lower Main Street. The house had an attached stables.] [United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 493] Very hot today & much smoke. Had clams tonight. I color chair cushions. [Re-coloring chair cushions when they faded through use was a method of home economy.]
- Plant turnips this a.m. I paint dining room floor. Slightly cooler.
- Paint dining room this morning. See Pearl Statilon [Unknown] & Arthur Doucette today. [An Arthur Doucette (b.1904) was living on Central Street in Westbrook in 1920. He may be a relative of Joseph Doucette (see Jan. 8).] [United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Westbrook Ward 3, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_642; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 79; Image: 112]
- S[unday]. Warm & foggy. Ed & Sue call also Thera & Arthur. (Rain this evening)
- Foggy but clearing […] day. Thick fog at night. Mrs. Rideout calls this p.m. [Mary H. Rideout (b.1840), a widow, was living with her daughter and son-in-law, Emma & F. D. Sampson, on the Yarmouth Road (Route 1) in 1920.] [United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Westbrook Ward 3, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_642; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 79; Image: 112] I can 1 pt. raspberries.
- Weather the same. Fog very thick late p.m. I can 2 pts. rasp & cucumb.
- Still warm. I churn today 11 lb.
- Very hot today. (Begin haying). Have calls [from] Sue & Ida Tuttles [There are several Tuttles listed for Freeport in the 1920 census, but none by those names.]
- Rain last night. Showers all day.
- Fine & hot get in hay today.
- S[unday]. Fine today. Call on Eva.
- Does not look very pleasant. (Mow front of house)
- Showers all day. Can 5 qts. beet greens.
- Showers all p.m. – heavy thunder shows all around. I can 4 qts green[s].
- Fair today. Looks like showers in a.m. & we do not hay. F. buys “garbage can” for canning also 150 lb. sugar @ 7 cts. $7.00. [To hold the hot water necessary for canning. A substitute for a canner. Example] Carrie [?] Horace & Elsie call p.m. Looks very fine tonight. I pick 3 ½ pails raspberries. Today sell 1 box Clean beet greens. Fine day. Got in hay this p.m.
- Look stormy then clears up, just thick fog late p.m. I pick 7 pails raspberries. 14 qts. Can 5qts. greens & 6 pts. berries also jam [?]
- S[unday]. Fine day. We go for a row down river in p.m. Cucumbers today.
- Mow & haul in hay today. Very hot.
- Mow & haul in today. Very hot and muggy.
- Finish getting in hay. Sell 6 boxes berries @ 25[cts.], $1.50
- Hottest yet – looks like rain clearing later. Mow house back – get in one load p.m. then heavy thunder showers. Struck & burned Eddie Byram’s barn about ½ past two p.m. [Perhaps Everett E. Byram (b.1878), who owned a farm on Wolfe’s Neck in 1920.] [United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Freeport, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: T625_639; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 505For more on the storm and its effects, see the Lewiston Evening Journal of that date:] Geo. Guppy struck [by lightning] & killed yesterday. [George O. Guppy, a boatman, was struck by lightning on Bustin’s Island at the age of 35.] [Maine Death Records, Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 24] Worst showers for years in state. Cleared off [Margin:] Gladioli & dahlia [….]ed. Cleared off quite fair so we got in load hay this finishes up field below house. Rain at night.
- Looks rainy then lightens up in P.M so Frank mows in P.M. below prime […?]. J. O’Donovan calls for chickens. [In 1920, there are several Donovan families in the area, but none in Freeport.] They being to put up frame & Rideout’s barn. [See Aug. 11.]
- Thick fog with showers. Ray around 7 calls; word of Arthur Stowell’s funeral so I go with Florence 3 p.m. A regular military funeral. Buried at Burr [Cemetery]. [John Arthur Stowell (b.1895) was a musician (3rd class) in the 103rd Infantry, U.S. Army, during the First World War. He died in action in France, June 16, 1918. He was the first Freeport casualty of that war. Of the more than 40,000 Americans who died in that conflict, around half were repatriated to the U.S. for burial. The first arrived home in 1921.] We go, come home in rain. Thunder showers.